Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When two worlds fall apart.

Hey guys. I gotta hang on to the 'postmortem' of my poem first. But I think I have to blog about this. If not, you guys will be attending my funeral.

Why? Dear Lord Buddha, Why? I still can't shake myself to reality. Please, let all these be just a dream. A bad one. I'm lost for words to pen a poem and I'm still lost for words to write about anything.

All I could say, it was a tragedy. At least for me. It's like you're between heaven and hell and you have no idea which way to go.

Today, nothing matters to me ANYMORE except the 2 person where my heart will always belonged to and my studies. THAT-IS-ALL. Nothing and No One else.

At that moment of time, I felt life has failed me. Or rather, God has failed me. But I have to hang tight because of the two person I will die for and loved. Life has to go on and no worries guys, I'm not leaving a suicide note or something because it's just not worth it.

Like the song, 'I will survive.'

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