Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Those little brats...

UGH!!! Those pimples!!!! Why can't you just leave me alone? And why does it had to happen to me? It's easy to tell me that maybe I do not have a proper face hygiene (which is SO NOT TRUE) or to tell me to try this and that, even to comfort me saying that oh they'll disappear soon enough later in time...b-l-a-h...

Yes, I am severely attacked by the 'polka-dots' and implanted more than 30 scarring bombs that seemed to be random enough to 'generate' more pimples and having a certain season where they'll be blooming their way through...I just hate it...

I HATE PIMPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At times, no matter how much junk I've ate, nothing will happen but when I really took care of my diet and sleep, they're apparently playing an opposing game with me.

I've tried all sorts of products and eventually, I really gave up...found a product on net which seemed to be really effective and people who underwent the program achieved a 100% success in vanishing those pimples...but the only thing is, it's too pricey =(

How I envy you guys who have clear and glowing faces... =(

Thought of blogging about the Singapore trip and about the High Distinction that I scored for one of my major assignment, but after looking into the mirror, there goes my mood. Sigh~


Eunice said...

pimples rupanye... i tot wat was it when i saw ur facebook status.. chill chill.. too stressed up is it? or probably the hormones..yeah, they'll go =) or u may wanna try consulting those specialist? don't let those 'brats' bring u too down =) oh ya, and only young people have pimples too.. hehe..

Unknown said...

No worries, they will leave you by a certain age, haha, just you wait. LoL!