Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Seriously...If I don't start to blog again, this blog would probably just fade away and rot like a cadaver under the shadow of this cyber-world...

Sorry, been reading too much thrillers and mystery I'm just trying to let my creative juices to be running again as I've not been writing lately and my vocab is SERIOUSLY deteriorating~ t.t

Ah, screw it! At the very least my sentence structure is still intact! muAHAhAHAha

So, what's up with my 3-4 months holidays? Too little to call fantastic yet too much to be said. Confused? yeah even I'm as confused as you! xD

Working from Monday to Friday as usual, other than coming back home, work out, bath, dinner, Internet, tv, reading, go to bed and start all over again, I have nothing much to say bout my monotonous life.

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