Monday, December 31, 2007


Hey ! Dear readers,first of all I would like to apologize to my readers as I have not been posting for a long time since I've been back from my holiday. Due to some Internet problems and my laziness xD, I did not post anything. Anyway,my trip to China is splendid and nothing could ever replace the memories and fun time together at there. However, due to the number of pictures taken ad the events that took place in my trip, I wouldn't blog too much about it. OH, wait wait...before you curse me, you should be happy to know that I will soon be loading the pictures into my friendster with some lengthy description. So, there wont be any pics from my trip at here. and not to forget ,

2007 have been a great year and now it's time to say hello to our new friend,2008! I hereby wish everyone to have a happier and wonderful beginning and throughout the roads of 2008! And to the readers who was patient enough to wait for my post, I thank you very much for supporting me =D. See all of you in the next post !

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Flying with birds

Hey guys! Finally the moment is here for my holiday !! yeah...few more hours and I will be flying with the birds up above the sky Land.So, this will be a quick post as the taxi will be here in less than 1 hour...I'm going to Beijing and Harbin for 10 days...will be back by Christmas eve midnight....hahha...that's when Santa is out in the sky too ! =D Okay, one thing about Harbin is the temperature which is going to reach a freezing cold -40 !! oh my ...but there's going to be 4 layers of clothes need for this kind of temperature...not to mention looking like a fat idiot with 4 thick layers of winter clothing...This are some pictures of the place I'm going...

Well, for this 10 days, Choon Hui will be my blog for 10 days there won't be any update from me ...take care for now everyone and have a great weekend....for those who are flying as well, bon voyage..This is Eric, signing off for now...

My blog will be in hibernating mode

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Celebration

Hey people! Time for another update with little boy...Well, too early for Christams u say? Nope, not at all. As I will only be back from my holidays on the 24th of Dec midnight...So Jian Fung, Choon Hui and me decided to celebrate Christmas on 11th as I'm flying on 13th....and the best part is: EXCHANGING PRESENT !

All of us agreed to meet at KLCC Kinokuniya bookstore at 11am but because of some matters, we all meet up at about 11.30am and there is a slight change in plan which is to meet at the cinema instead of the bookstore. Decided to watch Enchanted at first, then Jian Fung also wanted to watch Unrest-the ghost Unrest it is. And Jian Fung and me waited so long as the queue was long long and long...I wasn't at the counter as I'm taking care of the presents...6 begs of them..T_T. Jian Fung left me with those bags while he went to the dare U...=D Anyway, this is what I get from both of them while they are at counter..I think we didn't notice the under 18 tag on the movie... so at first the Malay guy at the ticket counter was confirming the tickets with our student cards plus Jian Fung's IC...then he saw on that IC he wasn't 18 Enchanted made its way into our movie plan, sorry Unrest, looks like its not ur day. XD

Then then Jian Fung said that we should grab our lunch at Chilli's as he didn't have a proper breakfast but Choon Hui wanted to go go to the Kinokuniya bookstore and basically just looking for any interesting books...after that, we decided to take our lunch at Chilli's and to our horror (not really hahha) there are sooOOOO many people in the line...and would you just look at the waiting list... it was lunch time in KL and you don't want to be stuck in our situation...If we had listen to Jian Fung earlier, then we would been seated comfortably at Chilli's enjoying our deserving meal...note to self : whenever Jian Fung wanted to have lunch,don't hesitate and go eat ! hahha

Okay, since there's not a single hope of steping into Chilli's, we head to Little Penang cafe-which Choon Hui suggested .....and the queue was as long as the Chilli's....and then we saw Pn.Ng, our counselling teacher...hahha...Jian Fung saw her then zoom by her side and call her TEACHER ! She looked and then went in because its her turn and never said anything...I guess she must be shy or what coz Jian Fung called her teacher so loud in public hahha

So, since the queue at there was also long...then we walk ... walk .....and ...walk.....searching through the mall for something nice to fill our hungry little stomachs...then Nando's also very was like 30 minutes of walking and then we saw Delifrance don't have any people queue,so we decided to eat there lah and the clock shows 1.15pm now and our movie is on 1.30pm !!!! And the tables at the Delifrance was super small....i mean really really pictures taken because there's only 15 donkey minutes for us to eat...before the meals arrived we exchange presents !! The food there wasn't really very good....Jian Fung said his cheese baked rice no taste...taste starchy...hahha ( I'm not trying to bring down the reputation of Delifrance )Oh yes..Choon Hui said if he got more than 10 "A"s, then he will treat us for lunch ! I want abalone and bird's nest in the menu, remember hor..

After finishing our meals, it was almost 1.30pm and we zoom up to the cinema and into the teater...our seats was somewhere in the middle...Jian Fung saw that the most top seats was empty and he suggested we should sit and Choon Hui was worry that anyone might come and claim their seats we are sitting ...haha...Jian Fung said he did this everytime ,plus the shows going to start and no one would be coming in ...thanks to Jian Fung we enjoyed watching at the best view of all ! and the movie was splendid and funny and the songs were to all movie fans..if there's empty seats at more strategic places in teater, you'll know what to do!!...just remember Jian Fung tips for the day ! =D

p/s: any embarassment or injury will not be my responsibility
So, Choon Hui wanted to know one of the songs name and waited for the entire movie to end its credits and those actors name...etc..everyone left except 3 of us...the workers start cleaning up the teater and we are still there.......then I also don't feel so good wait there so long as they want to close the exit we left and then decide to have a cup of coffee !

Jian Fung: Want go where and drink?
Choon Hui: Me anything, want go where and drink ( looking at me )
Me: ......where also can anything lah
Jian Fung: Me also anything...

Why both of you must ask me where to drink...ish...Then Jian Fung also said I was rich and I will know where to drink coffee.....for your info, I seldom drink coffee in coffee house lohhh...
* cut all the walking and going into shops to look *

So, we finally decide to drink at Coffee Bean. Choon Hui and I order ice blended white chocolate and Jian Fung had his LARGE ....(I have forgotten what's the name) oh ya LARGE ULTIMATE ! Nymmmm,their coffee taste as good as their name..hahha..While having coffee,we talked and then since earlier Jian Fung said that we should open our presents, so I give them the green light to open because I was protesting that we should open at home.. haha..I remember one thing I said:

Me:Wait..wait...let me open your present for me first,then I'll decide whether you can open what I gave you

Jian Fung : wah where can like that one...(I'm mean..hahha)

Anyway, I was joking and so all of us opened our presents !!

*Imagine little children tearing off the wrapping paper and wanted to know whats inside for Christmas*

Hold that thought because we are not that crazy...all of us wanted to preserve beauty of the wrapping paper and so we opened it carefully. Jian Fung got a crystal chess set from me and a Buddhist book from Choon Hui. Choon Hui got a webcam from me and an expensive bath towel from Jian Fung. For me, I got a lovely mug from Jian Fung and a collectibles of an old vintage car and chocolates!! Everyone love what they got and that includes me.Thanks guys ! Oh, and 1 more thing, Jian Fung said there was once our friend ( no names are to be said ) was having a video call with him and that friend didn't realise the webcam was connected,Jian Fung saw him digging his gold mine (nose) and took a screenshot ! HAHAHA

Then, I got a call saying that my uncle and cousins and my parents are in the shopping mall and to go home i guess that marks the end of the Christmas celebration.

BUT the worst is yet to come ! Met up with my parents and cousins and they are done with their shopping and it's time to go home. There's only one car and there's seven of us...Could you imagine how cramped and stuffy it was 5 people at the backseat( mind you is wasn't a 7 seater's a normal car ) ...I thought it would not be that bad as the journey home shouldn't take very my horror, it started to jam just after we came out from the underground parking...a little jam won't kill right? Nope,it was a living hell for me...Let's just say if I was a sardine fish in a fully loaded sardine can, I would be squashed in that can tightly for 2 solid hours ! The jam was so bad and I would be an overcooked sardine fish because it was damn stuffy in the car...and to think what's the worst that could ever did happen...despite the sardine like parent and my cousin family still can chat and joke happily...okay chats and jokes are fine but when everyone starts to speak at once...I tell you, I was bombarded with millions of sound waves that could easily tear my eardrums into pieces ! Imagine everyone talking in the car at once, come on lah..there's no space for the sound wave to go out...So, I tried to get some sleep but I just couldn't fall asleep even though I was tired...Jam at the city centre for nearly 2 hours in a hot noisy sauna packed with 5 people in the backseat of the car...Not even the **** word can ever describe how incredibly bad the jam was...It's just the worst jam ever in my entire 17 years of living in this world...NOTE TO EVERYONE: NEVER, i mean ever !! go back by car during the peak hours when everyone are rushing home from work...Not even a considerate driver during this hours and you wouldn't want to be in my shoe

Overall, it was the best day of my life and the worst day of my life...2 in 1... okay, take care everyone ! and these are some random shots I took...we never took any photos together ...i guess we must have been too excited for our Christmas celebration and forgets...and Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone ! Watch out for HoHoHo in the midnight and a loud thud in your living room !

Hello ? Mummy ah..

our very own Santa Claus(red shirt)is giving me a phone as my present =D

the tall beautiful Christmas tree in the middle of the mall
I just love their ornaments~ Christmas is in the air !

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The start of something new

Hey people! yup, that's right....a new skin again for the 2nd time...Though I think this will be the last one coz I really like this..hahha. This skin shows exactly who I am...childish ! Anyway, u guys should go and check out blogskins for all their cool and amazing skins for blog...

So, do comment on this new skin and I look forward to creating a better blog =D Anyway,I woke up today to finish the last touch up of this blog and also to prepare "tang yuan". Yup, I know..."tang yuan" festival is on the 22nd of Dec. but we celebrated it earlier as we were on our freezing cold holiday in Harbin from 13 until 24 of Dec...

Everyone know "tang yuan" festival is somehow just like everyone,just like this blog, a new birth, another new beginning =) Hmm...must be a good sign for whatever good things that are coming. The " tang yuan "my mum and I made was nice...not to mention I was so blurry as I slept at 2 am but woke at at 6.30 am...and my mum made them super fast...i made like 10 balls...she was like finishing up 2 plates of balls...

It was like our fruits of labour (or mum's fruit of labour) after it was cook and done !As u bite into it, the whatever sweet thing was inside flows out like flooding river banks of sweetness..OK !!enough about this...I find myself lost of words now as I'm damn sleepy...and later have to wake up again for the PC fair in KLCC...hope i can get a webcam with built-in microphone !!..OK OK, my vocabulary banks are closing ,so enjoy the picture and take care for now.Slumber Land,here I come...

I made a red ball with two white eyes...but don't think u can see it here

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Boring Day with me

Hey people ! Today is just a boring I asked Brenda what should I do..she suggested I should blog....too lazy liao but anyway don't care la...I'm too free...So, let me bring u on this Tour of Boring Land~

Wake up early in the morning...what for ? to temple with mum and dad. It was somewhere near my school. We're going there sort of like to thank the God for protecting our family and blessing and studies and all that lar. Yeah ! Time to say Thank You in the end of the year...Surprisingly it was not crowded as it used to be...and that means less smoky ! good...I thought. Unfortunately, it was still kinda smoky and I was like crying and we have chicken,vegetables, and fruits to offer, what a balanced meal...Oh ya .. and I thank the God of Study ( i think ) for the smoothness of my studies and exam all year round ...=D. Ok, done praying, now lets head to our next destination...

2nd destination site :
The Wet Market with all those little creatures U don't even wanna think about...It was somehow beside the temple. mum wanted to buy some things but I don't know what things...see, see, look, look, walk, walk and she just bought hou see ( dried oyster, i guess ).... I'd also saw some unhealthy sights,LOL ....saw the people at there throwing the chickens into hot water =.=" to kill them..and they are like flapping like crazy....somehow felt sad for them to die just to provide us with chicken rice...-.-""" Then, mum suggested to go to to a DVD shop to buy some Korean shows...( did I mention the temple and shop was also near to Petaling Street ? )

3rd destination site:
The "Hiro" comic and video shop...they sell comics and DVD...spend about half an hour there to search for new Korean dramas or anything nice...bought 2 drama's and that's it nothing much here. Next stop~

4th destination site:
Petaling Street...this is spot for tourist.. After buying the DVD, so we decide to walk around and perhaps...PERHAPS buy something or whatever,maybe some foods..Everywhere u's all pirated stuff...look at your right, u see some GUESS watches ( pirated !), look at ur left u see some Nike shoes that looks like NIKE shoes! and not to mention far cheaper and u'll know why..., then look everywhere u see foreigners...ang mao,mat salleh, Indonesian,Filipino and god knows where the other people come from =.= look at ur right, u see handbags and ur left.. " BUY 1 FREE 1 " pirated Cd's...and then I saw some signs from the police saying " No pirated Cd's are allowed ". yeah,right...salute the police as I look at those people happily selling pirated Cd's =.= then some people will just appear in front of U..sort of begging for u to buy their things...not beg lar..just in a forceful manner....=.= we stop by the tau foo fah stall ...and eat by the road romantic =p...Then, we decided to head home..oh wait before that have to go to market again..........

5th destination site :
The Wet Market I tried to walk faster this time so that my mum won't stop by and buy some things....hahha...and so my plan works ! but then she stop by the asam laksa stall and have to wait awhile

MUM : Auntie, can faster ah ? ( in a polite way )
Asam Laksa Auntie:Cannot faster ah.. must WAIT ! .. (in a rude way)

Our jaw was like dislocated itself....and so we shall wait...what to do my mum said her asam laksa is nice....

* went home , sleep, eat, watch Korean drama, got my hair cut, play some games and ....*

6th destination site:
Pasar Malam ( Night Market ) near my house...well nothing much happen...not to mention that guy with his loudspeaker voice shouting to promote their things...It seems a pretty nice night, walking and enjoying ourself... and **** it RAINS suddenly.....thanks to my genius mum who suggested that we bring the umbrella out earlier, we don't end up as wet as others....=D
As fast as it came, then rain stop suddenly....weird but it did stop...time to close the umbrella and continue our " shopping "...walk half-way and ****...the umbrella opens by itself suddenly...embarrassed I quickly close it did hit some of the peoples legs...I make sure it was totally secure and wont open again.... **** the umbrella opens up again !!=.=.... wah, super embarrass this time !! one woman was shocked she nearly fell down...I was like laughing and embarrass at the same time LOL

And so that marks the end of our TOUR of Boring Land, people ! embarrass yet happy...turned out to be a boring day at first but was ok at night...It's nice to see different people from different walks of life...Tata for now...I'm on my way to my slumber land

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

FRIENDSHIP is a pure white handkerchief that wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry

Hello's CHOON HUI posting another page of endless WORDS haha...

There was once a philosopher said : 'A single rose can be my garden; A single friend can be my world'

when i read through weng chung's blog, I'm just overwhelmed by emotions that can burst off words can describe our friendship which is beyond just mere's really been a pleasant journey cruising along with a wonderful friend like you..God really blessed me by sending you to me on angle's wings...I'm just glad that we've shared the blessings and bitterness of school life understood all my 'whims and fancies', accepted all my faults and appreciated all my never tried to judge me, nor criticise my shortcomings but to only be at each others' sides along the way and made me realise what my mistakes's really been a looooong way that we've came so far...back then i still can remember the days when we sang aloud together in class and of course the glorious days of the school choir..haha..and u've always said that my version of 'You Raise Me Up' had made ur ears soothed and i just love singing all the way throughout the moments...not to forget when we rushed all the designs and banners of any important occasions of school...just by the two of us...can't believe we've came up with marvelous ideas..haha..

and to all my frens out there, jian fung, wei keat, thiam sang, tuck man, pei yow, kishu, wai lun, alex, andrew, harry, kheng hong and all the " kaki's" of our gang..haha..i would once again dedicate this poem to all of you and you know u guys are the spices just like what weng chung said that had really 'spiced up' my entire school life..and to all the frens whom i never mention ur worries...u'll always have a space in my book of long!!

A poem for my friends

A poem for my friends,
I wrote it when the year ends.
Words to be treasured,
You’ll never be alone, that’s assured.

We’ve been through thick and thin,
Uncovered truth and childish sins.
It made me ponder,
Have I left nothing but wonder?

It seemed like yesterday,
Where we’re standing here on the first day.
Thinking nothing but studies,
To search for life’s remedies.

Over the years, life’s filled with endless laughter,
Exam to us is the only torture.
That made us battle,
Last-minutes are ways we hustle.

We shared moments of glory,
Where they became history.
Worth smiling,
When memories came lingering.

And sometimes when the days fall,
We’ll always stand tall.
Learning from mistakes that’s how we gain,
Never ever will we turn back again.

We’re blessed with great educators,
To shape us so that life can no way be our dictator.
For all the words of endless wisdom,
Will be carved in our hearts when troubles loom.

Till then…

Time tore us apart,
In such instant that sadness sparks…

Despite the hard feelings that preyed,
And here I pray,
Witnessed by God from heaven,
Wishing I’ll be forgiven…

Friends are like melons and shall I tell you why?
To find a good one, you must a hundred try.
And I found you in my book of life,
A chapter that I’ll always treasure till the last breath of mine...

God Bless,
by chOon HuI

The proud sailors on this voyage in school

Monday, December 3, 2007

Confused =(

After a few busy days going out to do this and that for my upcoming holiday in China, I finally get to have some rest....This few days was a really confusing days for me...I have been thinking quite alot...about what I should pursue in life, and how it would turned out to be...can't really decide what to do next and i am really worry that everything would turned out badly...

Somehow I felt that there is someone in me who wants to break free. I have the feeling that I'm suppose to be someone more than just who i am now...someone wanting to come out....someone who will do incredible things...i really do believe that that " someone " in me was my destiny. Sometimes I would just sit and stared blankly at peoples action and behaviour and somehow i tried to guess why they are acting in such manner...

It seems very weird sometimes I would suddenly realised that it was not me who did this and that. It was rather a complicated feeling, as if I was doing things when I'm unconscious...And these holidays gave me time to think about my future and what's to become of me...Its as if a devil and an angel both on my shoulder advising me to do something that was promising or to just break the old tradition and take the less travelled path...

And then I start to realise that there is no point worrying now..but there's still a slight uncomfortable feeling about what is in the future 4 me...I guess I am worrying to much...I will take this time to really appreciate every moment in my teenager life as there is not a second chance...Lets just let TIME do its job and only time will tell if the someone in me break free...So, i guess I will have an enjoyable holiday and hope everything will be great...And stepping out of comfort zone is bitter for 1st few steps and we tend to step in back and that someone in me is trying really hard to get out...

The angle on my shoulder : hey! everything will be fine! be positive !
The devil : * u guess *

All the best to everyone and may the angel or perhaps the devil =D lead ur way to ur destiny. I believe some things are fated but some is up to us to chase after.
Signing off for the day .

Missing everything

As I am writing this post, I felt really really sad because everything now seems so empty...Today I flipped through my school magazine and look at those pictures and then it really dawned on did I realised many sweet and bitter moments have pass and I did not appreciate them as much I should do. How could I just let them go? now that everything seems to be over, I really MISS everything. My 5 years in school seem to pass really fast and I never ever take it very seriously. Now that I think back, I really wanted to travel back through time and go through every bits and pieces of sweet and bitter experience again. Honestly, I'm someone who keep most of the things in my heart and keep it to myself. It's like I won't really tell u straight in the face that I'll miss u or u're my best friend. Somehow deep down inside my heart, I'm saying all this to myself. Perhaps u might say it's shy...maybe. But remember even I did not say any of those words....deep down I do notice everyone around me..just that I never really express it out..I'm not that someone who is expressive... So, this post is dedicated to everything that have ever appear in my schooling days. I'm more expressive in writing, so this would be everything that have been inside my heart all this while that I never express out. Here goes:

*its not in an orderly manner *

Choon Hui
A true friend that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Choon Hui ...U're more like a brother to me. We are born in the same year,month, and date...even our time is very close...And then we realised our surname is same too ( in Chinese ). Unbelievable isn't it ? Somehow God is really great in making us meet each other and I know there's a reason for it. i mean how could ever meet someone who is same age,birthday and surname with u. A billion to one probability. His mum said we are brothers in our past-life. I totally agree with that. We knew each other during our PE lesson when we are chatting about our birthdays...and since then everything is history...Choon Hui , U have been a great friend,really... even though u didn't notice it. And if there are anything bad or how badly I acted on U, I'm truly SORRY for that. I know we have fights before but it is fights that made us more patient and understanding. I hope that we can stay in touch always...U're someone who i count on.. I do not know what would school be like without ur presence.And I do like the times when we share our passion for magic and wild imaginations....seems childish but I'll cherish it 4ever and everything that we had done.It's because of U, my voyage in school has been really a memorable one.Thanks for stepping into my life.

Thiam Sang
Although we did not knew each other for a very long time but it seems that we are long lost friends. I knew him when we are in form 3 but we are not close tat time. It's when we sit together in form 4 that we knew each other better. He was really my 3rd hand helping me out in school. Every time I have problems in my studies, he was the one i look 4. And everytime also he never ever refuses to help. He's a very " cincai" person and will help everyone. Besides being my 3rd hand, he was a good friend and we can chat almost everything...And since we might not study together again... I would really apologize for the troubles I brought to U. If u ever read this, I would like U to know that u have done a great job. Thank you 4 everything.

Jian Fung
How could I ever forget U. We didn't know each other until we sat with each other during form 3 and that's when everything happens....during that time i remember Arjuna asking me how it is to be sitting with Jian Fung. I remember I said he was the most annoying,irritating person I've ever sat with....Somehow looking back I'm really honoured to be ur 1st victim....i also remember how i would secretly take a look at his black colour book where he wrote stuff on...secretly because he won't let me see Jian Fung now u know what I did hahha... now that we grew up to be classmate ever since form 3 , I know he is more than an irritating person. Behind that there is someone I could count on and he will be there when I need him(somehow =D) I'm really glad to know someone like U. Like I said before in his testimonial, what a spicy few year knowing u, but hey that's something I've never ever wished for and I'm glad it happen...Like CcM said how could we forget how u laugh.. It is just happy happy happy talking to you...and was a good listener too...I think its mostly because of gossip he wan 2 hear hahha...And all those memorable moments we have been with each other i will cherish forever...School wouldn't be fun without U. I'll miss u, bear !!!

Kar Heng
He's been my primary school classmate and he's the one I sat with during my 1st year at secondary school. i remember how much fun we sit by each other and the moment we did our projects at his house and my house. It was a memorable one when I thought back...As i think back about that I would really want it to continue forever. Still remember what we did when we have fights...Either he or me will leave a gap between our tables as a sign that we are not childish we are and I will not forget that and it will always be some special to me. But, as we are not classmates, then we are not close with each other liao...So, now if we meet each other at school, somehow it feels so strange. And I'm really sorry if u felt being ignored by me but as I said earlier I'm not an expressive guy...If there are any misunderstanding, believe me I really wouldn't want it to happen. Thanks for the memories as friends and I do hope we will be more close to each other like we do last time. I do believe there is a reason God make us friends and I would really stay in touch with u because we might not meet each other due to our separate ways in life.U're truly an amazing friend.

I don't remember how we meet but he has been a great friend as well...And everyone called him alien fast he would finish his homework and the amount of information he has in his brain...he's like an information station 4 me! But anyway when we skip PE lesson, we would be chatting on other things except it's nice to have someone like U...2 in 1 ,I guess =D

Tuck Man
Somehow I wan to include him in this...don't remember how we became friends but never mind lar... A fun guy to be around...with his comment about the teachers and other peoples, he just make u laugh like nobody business...not to mention his dirty talk hahha...and also a pro in Moral education...despite having nilai hemah tinggi,bertoleransi,bertanggungjawab and all those nilai...U would never thought he could be so dirty at times...

Kheng Hong
Lets just say he's someone that I'm looking for when my computer have troubles...hahha...Other than that a great friend who help you quite alot. And also my primary sch friend...he certainly help me alot in computer thing and other things la...thanks for everything =D

ALL my primary friends in secondary school
I think most of us was not as close as before because we are not classmates anymore in school but do remember I will always remember each one of U. I really do remember who was in standard 6 up till now and I regret for not keeping in touch with some friends that I miss very much... if any one of U ever read this, do leave a comment so we can stay in touch again...


Mrs. Ramani
She was an incredible teacher...not only does she taught literature,she taught us how 2 be a gentleman..and that is what I appreciate the most. The 1st day she entered our class, I knew exactly that she is different from other teachers. now I do really miss her and how we would sit around her as if we was like babies waiting for story-telling time =D and how she cared for everyone in sch, plus her jokes ans stories made every lesson enjoyable.

Pn. Lim
The greatest Malay language teacher ever! Simply amazing...a great teacher

Miss Lim
One thing I will really remember is her skill in throwing marker pens...hahha...When someone is sleeping in the class, then she would aim and fire her marker pen and guess what 100% guarantee every time hits the target.Another thing was during graduation, she cried along with music of Auld Lang Syne. That is one sight I will always remember and it was so touching. And that just shows teachers are more than plain teachers,more like our 2nd parents . And I remember her telling me to get an A1 for her...i did all my best in add maths and hope it will turn out great!

Pn. Low
The only form teacher i remember the most, I really salute her skills in teaching mathematics...And all of us did have fun during her class...and not to mention when she scold ppl..our class would be super silent..i will remember her 4ever.

Pn. Chan
A mother more than a chemistry teacher...I remember few weeks before SPm, she told me that I sure will get an A and not to be panic during the exam. She was more worry with our results than we are hahha..superb teacher

There are lots more people that I would really treasure 4ever. For those who I did not mention, it doesn't mean that I hate U or what....i do notice everyone in school. Somehow, I do not really understand why some of us are left being alone and ignored. In my entire life, I have been thinking about why must we choose who to be friends with. All of us are human beings and we are from the same species..we should help each other and be with each matter who is cool, geek ,handsome,ugly ,stupid, clever, rich or poor, why must we choose who to be with. All of us are the same. What I'm trying to say is everyone of us are friends no matter what.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle and everyone is important even if u do not know them. God have his way in fitting everyone of us in this jigsaw puzzle. Everyone exist for a reason whether its ur enemy or friends. Even our enemy can be great friends if we look in another way. We are from the same species and we are destined to live with each other no matter who is more important.

hahha i think I'm going out of topic but that's just my opinion in how I look at certain things. We have a long way to go and all I can say is treasure every nanosecond of the sweet and bitter moments together as friends. Stay in touch !

Saturday, December 1, 2007

More photos on BjF birthday

Here are more updates on Mr. Bear's birthday...

Keep ur mouth away from the screen * winks *

~ cheese ~
*don't mess with me hahha* thinking...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

This wonderful fren of mine

Aha!!hello everyone...i'm choon hui...the 1st ever 'guest' on weng chung's blog..haha...felt so honoured to be sharing this amazing blog with him...
ok..lets start...
errr...where to start??
oh yeah...eric and i shared the same b'day, same sur name in mandarine, and almost the same time when we're born!!! coincident was that!!which is why at times i do believe that God made us frinds for a purpose..somehow i just felt that both of us had been frens for decades since we've started talking to each other...can't believe that we've been to the same school for 5 long years and we're still hanging on..haha
and yes...i love this blog alot...with the song by Trademark and the's just lovely..and now since it's my 1st sharing blog, i would like to have this poem posted as well and to show that if happiness like having a good fren will always be there ..just like the poem goes
'If Heaven ever exists'

I used to sit by the bay
And think,
If heaven ever exists

Life’s like a box,
Filled with
Every lock, stock and barrel,
So complicated
So congesting
So fragile

A place like heaven,
Filled the void in me,
Like a child got his candy,
I used to think
If heaven ever exist…

God Bless,
cHoOn HuI

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Birthday Bear

Waking up this morning at about 7.30am, i felt I should really sleep again...BUT i'm waking tat early for a special reason ! =D After having breakfast at home, I went out with mum and dad and went to PJ and it;s super duper JAM...because of that policeman controlling ..grrr. Hmmm why I'm going PJ? Went with mum to the Kings and bought a lovely blueberry cheese cake *saliva dripping* Then went home and I sleep again..hahah...woke up again and prepare myself to go to Times Square.

Reached at Times Square around 1.00pm and meet up with Choon Hui at the front door. Then quickly and being sneaky we went to a sort of Hong Kong style restaurant and asked the management to keep the cake I bought this morning..heeee heee..a suprise awaits.. * blinking the eye*

Called Jian Fung ( the bear XD ) and ask him and the others to come to the restaurant. Then i meet up with them at the cinema( the restaurant is beside the cinema ) - Jian Fung, Harry, Thiam Sang, Wei Keat and Pei Yow arrives hahha.. All of us sat down and started to order our foods...then we talked and laughed as if not seeing each other for a long time.. Then He Hui showed up and that makes 8 of us ...

* skips the eating , laugh and eat at the same time and Jian Fung showed his skills in taking photo with his Sony camera..hahha*

Then when all of us finish filling our hungry souls and then I asked:
ME : Who's paying ah..all the food ?

There was a silence hahha..and then of coz our birthday boy belanja lar..

*sprinkle some magic dust and sit tightly as the climax is here *

Choon Hui give a hint to them tat the cake is ready to meet its audience =D When the cake arrives , I heard someone said : Is it a complement from the restaurant?
No, its not..hahha... It was a suprise plan me and Choon Hui prepared for our birthday boy, Jian Fung. He was like " WAH " ,a little bit shocked and never expected this..

So, everyone got excited ! Despite having 17 candles, we put only one big fat candle and guess what? no lighter... That doesn't spoilt the mood and we started taking pictures... like reporters ,we started taking pictures with the birthday boy as if he was a celebrity..hahha.. Then we asked the waiter to help us take a photo of everyone of us.

Although some other people was looking, we proudly sang the birthday song to him...nice ! How funny Jian Fung pretended to blow out the candle !All this while , He Hui was threatening him to smack the cake on his face but of coz dun have lar..=D Wei Keat gave Jian Fung a birthday " kiss " !!Then we ate the cake and the cake was seriously deeeliiicious !

So, we asked for the bill and it was like RM80..and Jian Fung paid the bill . Thanks ! And he kept the bill and the " Happy Birthday " plastic thing as nice =D He said it was his best birthday celebration ever !! U sure did !

After that, we went for bowling !! Is was Sooooo fun ! So, we started to bowl and dun care who's turn is it..hahah..Everyone laughed as Jian Fung threw the bowling ball and some of it landed on the longkang xD Thiam Sang's ball go slow and steady to hit the target and he did strike once although this was his 1st time playing " diam diam ubi berisi"=D Wei Keat was good as he tried to bowl like a pro..making the ball rolling sideways... Pei Yow was good too...Then Harry's bowling ball went to the drain but he did knocked quite some pins down...Choon Hui did hit alot of pins too but he didn't get to bowl much, but hey there's next time ah !! He Hui was good also....Everyone was Ok lar...and it's the ball that went into the drain gave us much laughter and excitement.

For me, my ball was straight as I learned bowling before..only few times..hahha * not showing off * but my ball did went to the drain as well..hahha. I think everyone of us manage to strike once and we simple threw the ball ignoring who's turn is it. And to add, Jian Fung with his style of bowling really gave us a hard chuckle ! Then, we noticed some other bowler, particular one woman who was damn funny . She threw the ball and stayed in that position after she threw it, arms on the air, leg wide apart and we were laughing as we saw that interesting sight...Jian Fung manage to caught that with his camera as a video and it was super super funny as he played it back to me.

Then we said gdbye to Thiam Sang and Harry. As we were going out , Jian Fung exclaimed " Oh my god !" He said he saw some two people was kissing and walking at the same time...Then he showed us how they kiss and walk...that was funny !! Then we don't know where to go and so Jian Fung suggested we " window shop " to the BORDERS ( bookstore) xD.

At there, we look through books, searching for interesting books......He Hui and Wei Keat went home after that...So, Jian Fung, Choon Hui and me went to Starbucks Coffee Shop in the bookstore itself and sat down comfortably at the cozy chairs. We never order any coffee coz Jian Fung say today burn alot of $$ already haha...SO, what we did? Take photos of coz ! After snaping some shots, we left the bookstore and walk around ...until we reached Cold Storage..Jian Fung wanted to buy himself some black chocolates but in the end didn't bought anything coz it was we walk walk lor until it was 5.30 when it's my turn to go home....

We went out to the main door of Times Square and Jian Fung said wanted to give me a hug ..
haha I told him not to do it in front of sooo many people ...and we went to the corner HAHA and there u go ...


It was nice to huge pillow haha.OK lar that's it..
What a fantastic day, really ! It was nice to spend time with each Jian Fung said...But hey, we will meet again lar,dun worry....still haf Christmas,New Year, Chinese New Year,Hari Raya,Deepavali and many other donkeys birthday xD where we can have fun together !!

I'm sure to miss today..and before I sign off..Happy Birthday Brother Bear!!

Wei Keat kiss for birthday boy !

forced by He Hui

Cake cutting ceremony !
* yum yum *

at Starbucks cozy chair

Choon Hui and me *the cups weren't ours *

There are more photos with Jian Fung but these photos were taken with my 2Mp camera phone..

Monday, November 26, 2007

Schools OUT !

Schools out, yeah !! indeed...exams over ! (grinning from ear to ear)

As I stepped down from the car, I rushed to the gate ,nearly knocking it over my nimble as an assasin I avoided it..haha.. I ran straight to my room and drop everything. I rushed to the computer in the speed of lightning.. signed in to my MSN and start blogging ...thought i was the first but it was Dickson LOL..

As I type I looked at the pile of books.... " Wah, can sell to old newspaper guy " " Should be around RM10 " XD

What a hectic exam for 2 weeks ! I still remember how sleepy I was revising my subjects. Evrytime I was thinking when is this going to be over...sigh...eventually today is the day !! haha
YET.. I felt I'm going to miss this exam moments in years to come..How strange is it huh, when something is over we sort of missing it.

Well quite a challenging exam I should say, for some papers but everything was OK.. I can proudly say I conquer the war of exams..Anyway, the most irritating thing about this time is I hate it when the invigilator use his microfon and say 10 more mins !! yeah 10 more mins and I'm sitting in front... Everytime I was concentrating on my paper, I got a shock of my life when he use the **** microfon.

When it's only 1 paper left,our senior assistant warned us not to act like crazy baffoons considering it's like independence for most of us... As a good student,as always..*ahem* i thought those ' baffoons' are really going to shout out their lungs when it's all over. Sad to say I'm wrong hahha, they never shout out their lungs nor acting like monkeys...though I heard some of them shouted but yet control the volume of the sound. before they collected the paper, the head invigilator ask us to KEEP OUR SANITY and she really mean it by looking at her face. Then we greeted them THANK YOU and they smiled but I know behind that smile ..its becoz how much trouble we cause them when we were very noisy some of the time...One of the invigilator said thank you to us for cooperating with us and I saw another invigilator almost laughing because she know we were all so noisy this time...and they are saying thank you to us...Then when its time go everyone including me rushed out like hungry cheetahs ready to pound on their bags for I know they wanted to celebrate ~hahha

Yeah, I'm very very happy that all of it was over now. Now, I'm sitting comfortably in front of the computer and enjoying myself. Oh, wait I'm going to bath 1st hahha..probably take a nap before I really treat myself with Internet.

I'll miss the smell of exam papers and the silence in the exam hall~

OH, WAIT A MINUTE... ( how forgetful am I )

I still have accounts paper on Thurs and Fri !!!
!#!%$&*#! Anyway, schools really out for those who never take accounts and chinese papers.. Pity the student who are taking was on next week...

aaAAa It's oK..1 more subject to go! Can't go on anymore , will continue later. Now I'm really sleepy *yawn* For another time I would really like to say it again but it doesn't apply to me..

SCHOOLS OUT !! Good job all of the exam soldiers.. May we meet again in the battle field !

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What a Day !

There you go, a new version of my blog. The previous one was not up to my expectation, because I was rushing to make one as I was having my exam. Then I came across this background and I can't control myself for having it as my background.

Credits for Banug and Smashmethod for this image and giving such good inspiration. Check out their artworks at there !

I practically spend my whole night yesterday and half of today searching for a better template. Then I found pimp-my-profile. Credits to their template generator. Credits to kechean too LOL- He suggested that I search the net for the generator.

The new XML code thing was really a pain in the a$$ until I finally found the template generator after searching for 1 week.Was so stressed up with so many good templates but none of them work in XML code thing. That is why I went to look for template generator instead of looking for a template. SO, I uploaded the new image...edit this and that and came out with this template.

What a relief ! the XML code never trouble me wth this template. Have to stop now as I'm still having my exam.. Bio next Monday..Ahhh haven't prepared yet but I know I can do it ! My books are waiting for me. I will be lurking in blogger very soon again. Still have Bio and Accounts paper to do~

What a day indeed ! Gd luck for those soldiers in SPM war,including me !
Tata for now.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Life at Work3 -funniest of all !

This video just made me laugh non stop and got stomach cramps. Just like the previous videos watch the background too =D

Haha. Credits to the person making this video~ Enjoy!

Funny video- Life at Work2

This time watch the people at the back as well.

The guy staple his tie on his paper, another guy got his hand slammed on the thumb-tack and the wman falling down~

A great opportunity for U to see how's ur work life going to be. =D

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Life at Work

Pay attention to the people at the BACK too. The woman got her hair stucked in something and the guy standing on the chair